Monday, March 4, 2013

Triple Threat Blog Tour: Interview with Yelena Black

Hey everyone! I'm here today hosting part of the Triple Threat Blog Tour for Bloomsbury! In case you missed it earlier last month, I had Megan Miranda at the blog, talking about her newest release Hysteria! This time, I'm happy to have Yelena Black to share about her recent release, Dance of Shadows! :)


ME: Welcome to The Bookaholic, Ms. Black! Could you tell us a bit about what inspired the idea behind DANCE OF SHADOWS?

YB: I love mysteries and the world of ballet—and there is something inherently mysterious about the world of ballet, which dates back many centuries. I loved the idea of taking that quality of the dance and crafting a story about legend and ritual, but also about a young girl—Vanessa Adler—and how she and her older sister (and her friends!) get tangled in this world. 
ME: What sparked your interest in writing? Did you always want to be an author?

YB: I have always loved reading. I actually used to sleep with the Anne of Green Gables series. They were so heartfelt and honest. I also loved Kurt Vonnegut’s books, because they always made me laugh. I loved Judy Blume, because she spoke to me girl-to-girl, and told me things that I could never ask my mother about. And of course, Harry Potter, which still gives me that magical feeling of excitement, even though I’ve read it dozens of times. So I guess my answer is: Yes. I have always wanted to be a writer. I also have a love of dance, and studied ballet when I was younger, which helped to inspire my book, Dance of Shadows.

ME: What is one quirky fact about yourself?
YB: I love bicycling and running, and was once a trained bicycle mechanic. I'm also an amateur seamstress and thus loved writing about the clothes in this book.

ME: If you could cast your own characters for a movie, which actors would be your choice?

YB: I would cast Emma Watson as Vanessa, Logan Lerman as Justin, and Dave Franko as Zep. Fingers crossed!

ME: Do you have any other future projects in the works for us to look forward to?

YB: I am currently editing the sequel to Dance of Shadows!

Thank you so much for being at the blog today!

Follow Yelena Black on Twitter

Read my review of Dance of Shadows. Add Dance of Shadows to your Goodreads.


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