Wednesday, June 4, 2014

BEA Recap: Part One

It’s BEA recap time! I wanted to get to this a lot sooner than now, but you just can’t imagine how exhausted I was when I arrived home from New York. I wasn’t much at all when I was there, the energy buzzing through me like crazy, but then it crashed hard the morning I was leaving. LOL. The little amount of sleep and food I lived on for the four days of my trip probably didn’t help much, but in the end it was well worth it and I totally can’t wait to do it all over again next year (at least, I’m keeping my fingers crossed to go again!).

This was one of the single most amazing experiences of my life with a lot of firsts for me. It was my first ever plane ride. My first ever train ride. First time in any cab. First time so far from home. First non-family vacation. MY FIRST TIME MEETING AUTHORS AND GETTING BOOKS SIGNED (and yes, I totally fangirled with included stuttering and open-mouthed, wide-eyed, staring). I overcame and fought through a lot of anxiety issues with crowds and meeting new people… and I’m so glad I did because I met some amazingly wonderful people throughout the BEA.

I stayed with the ladies of Great Imaginations (Kara, Lyn, and Bekka) and Jessie from Ageless Pages Reviews, and had a total blast! The inside jokes we now share will last us and have us in stitches for a long, long time I’m sure. Miss those ladies already!

I was so worried I would be overwhelmed going into BEA my first time but I really wasn’t at all. It felt like I was home. It probably helped I had a great friend (Kara) who’d been there the previous year and gave me all the rundown beforehand with such helpful advice, too.

There were some things I sadly missed out on due to time restraints (like missing out on meeting Julie Kagawa and I wanted to cry when I realized), and some things I'm glad I missed due to the insanity... Hello? Saturday BookCon? I heard (and saw pics) that Javits was chaos so I skipped the final day and had a relaxing time wandering around New York a bit, having lunch with several other bloggers, and then laying around in the hotel until it was time to go do my volunteer work at the library for the Kids' Author Carnival.

One of the best moments during the event would have to be meeting Melissa Marr. You just don't understand the years I've spent waiting for that moment and how much she means to me as a writer and a reader. By the time I stepped up to her, I was in utter shock and basically unable to form a proper sentence. Still, she was so sweet and she recognized me! And look!

I also met Sarah J. Maas, who was so lovely and resembled JLaw so much, but unfortunately couldn't get a pic. I did have this pretty cool pic taken with the Bookcrastinators (awesome bloggers, btw!) while in line though. It's on their Instagram if you want to see it! :)

I could probably go on and on with all the awesomeness and epic feels I had throughout the event. The best part overall: the people. I made new friends, met ones I'd already known just through the interenet and built an even closer connection, and had a great experience with the crowds the majority of the time...

There was an attempted carjacking. An intern was threatened. I saw Keanu fucking Reeves. Yada yada yada... This is all inside stuff. :P

You guys. This small-town Texas girl fell completely and madly in love with the city of New York. I'm not even kidding. I can't wait for another visit. The city that never sleeps? I can see why! There's always something to do there. There's so much to see. I want to go back already and see everything I wanted to see that I didn't get a chance to. I don't care if I have bruises on my legs from all the walking--- I didn't mention the approx. two mile walk Lyn and I made one night around Manhattan, but it was actually really nice and I would totally do it again right now if it meant hanging out there again for a bit longer (and not in this hundred degree heat haha).

Guess I should start my save jar now for next year, huh?

Stay tuned for Part Two, coming at you this weekend, which will include my haul from BEA, gifts received before the trip, and packages picked up when arriving home! :P


  1. I'm so thrilled that you had a great time, and it is nice to see how insane we all are once we make a gang of bloggers. I'm crossing my fingers for next year.

  2. A carjacking and Keanu Reeves?! Exciting stuff! I am desperate to go to BEA next year, and I've become slightly (okay, a lot!) obsessed with visiting NYC, too!

    Angie @ Pinkindle


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