Review Policy

All books reviewed on this blog are purchased unless stated otherwise. Though we do accept free books, and win books through giveaways, or receive them in return for review as part of a promotion for a blog tour, and also receive galleys through NetGalley, Edelweiss, and direct from publishers/authors, we do not accept or receive any kind of compensation for reviewing these. We also exchange books sometimes with other bloggers, but these exchanges are for pure fun (book swaps!), in which we end up reviewing the books as they are read. We will NEVER ask for any kind of payment and our reviews are honest. If we accept your book for review, it does NOT guarantee a positive one...nor does it mean a review at all.

**Everything posted always remains honest and completely based on our own personal opinions.**

To authors, publishers, and publicists: If you'd like to contact one of us in regards of possibly reviewing your novel, hosting a giveaway on your behalf, doing a blog tour, or for an interview, please don't hesitate in doing so! Please contact Taylor (information found in the contact form on the blog) if you want to request anything in regards for The Bookaholic as Pixie is only now an occasional guest here. Pixie is now blogging at Great Imaginations, having made the move January 2015. 

If you query Pixie, any postings after January 2015 will probably go to Great Imaginations. Not The Bookaholic. 

PIXIE'S POLICY: (But I'm blogging elsewhere. Read this entire page thoroughly.)

I'M NOW OPEN TO REVIEW REQUESTS! Yay! But please check thoroughly through my policy because it is limited. I will not respond to emails that come in if they do not fit the criteria. Sorry, but due to time restraints I must only stick with what I know will work best for myself and the blog. Now is not the time for me to attempt anything outside of my usual reviewing genres (even though that I am aware I do this, but it's on my time).

Note: I am currently very limited to accepting review requests. This is due to time restraints and a work overload. I appreciate the patience! I am accepting- but limited at the moment.

Because of limitations, please only request if your manuscript is one of the following:

Paranormal Romance
Fantasy (modern/urban)
Historical Fiction

**I really love fairies and vampires when it comes to Paranormal/Fantasy. I'm not a big fan of werewolves or fallen angels, but if you sell me on the premise, I'd be willing to give it a try. I would love to read something with a Celtic or Egyptian mythology theme to it. I'm huge into Post-Apocalyptic and Dystopian...creepy realistic end-of-world scenarios. And with Historical--my favorite time periods are mostly in the ancient eras (once again, Egyptians or Celtic), Victorian, or a war era like World War II or the Revolutionary War or something. Just giving you a general idea of things I like/would like...or would most likely pick first off.**

Please look through the Review Archives and see the types of books I really like before you request so that you have a general idea. I have a large list archived there, including lists of favorites.

I will not review Christian Fiction, Poetry, or Short Stories. I am not a fan of Christian Fiction, sorry. This is a YA mostly-themed blog. However, I do have a new Midnight Rendezvous feature where there'll be occasional reviews, discussions, and tours pertaining to Adult/Erotica titles. I will not accept unsolicited review requests of Erotica. This genre consists of books I have picked/requested from only.

I do NOT review poetry and/or poetry anthologies. While I absolutely adore poetry, I have my reasonings on this. Poetry is an art-form of literature and in most cases can be interpreted in so many different ways, that I feel I can't and will not be able to properly review. There are bloggers out there, however, who focus on poetry. I am not one of them.

**Please do not solicit a manuscript that falls in a category outside a genre I review. I find it disrespectful, and I will NOT respond back to you AT ALL in this case. Do NOT send an email saying "I know you don't review this genre, but..." and then try to woo me with reasons on why I should read your novel. It will be promptly turned away--especially at this very hectic time.**

My reviews never contain spoilers. I comment on the characterization and plot points without giving anything cruicial away.

To authors, publishers, and publicists: If you'd like to contact me in regards of possibly reviewing your novel, hosting a giveaway on your behalf, doing a blog tour, or for an interview, please don't hesitate in doing so!

Please note: As the blog is mostly a YA focused reviewing site, I try to maintain most of my reviews of that genre and subgenres, and some adult/new age oriented genres. This is includes: YA, Dystopian, Fantasy, Horror, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, and Historical Fiction. YA Contemporary works as well.

When contacting me for a review request, just simply put "Review Request" in your subject line. From there, in the body of your email, I ask that you provide information of the book (a synopsis and/or links to where I can view the book for myself-- Amazon, Goodreads, etc.) and a little bit about yourself. :)

**Indies/Self-Pubs: Due to time and the amount of inquiries received, I'm sorry to say I'm closed for your group. There are plenty of bloggers that do accept self-pubs and indies. I'm sorry that I can't. I wish you all the luck. (If I have worked with you in the past, however, do not hesitate to contact me)

My computer is a piece of crap right now. Again, I'm sorry. It won't download files. At all. I'm having to send all my e-ARCs directly from NetGalley or Edelweiss to my Kindle because I just can't download a file to my comp (to open and read in Digital Editions). I'm getting a new laptop soon and I can't wait for that day because this one has had its final days. Anyways, I can't accept e-book files. So sorry! 

Also, as of January 2015, you'll find my reviews going to Great Imaginations. I've expanded my blogging and moved there with three wonderful ladies. If you send a request to me, don't look for posts here at The Bookaholic unless I say otherwise. I have told Taylor I would stop by and guest when she needs me to, but she's taking over the reigns here now. :) 

Thank you for considering me.

My ratings range from 1-5 stars.
1- meaning I hated it/had a lot of issues with the content, or didn't finish. If I give this rating, I will still likely review and give fair points in my thoughts on what I disliked. If I choose not to review, I will let you know why.
2- means that it wasn't my thing, but may interest someone else, and perhaps disappointed me on some levels.
3- stars is considered an "average, but mostly still good" rating from me. It usually means I had nitpicks with the story, and I will point them out in the review, but it was still a good read that I will recommend to a certain group of readers.
4- is excellent.Will re-read and promote. Loved it and and look forward to more from the author.
5- is outstanding, and immediately jumping on my favorites' list. Promoting endlessly, re-reading constantly.

I do give out "half star" ratings when I'm torn between what exactly to rate as well. Haha.

My reviews are also shared on Goodreads, plus links to reviews are shared on Twitter and Facebook. If your book appears on Shelfari and LibraryThing, I will post my review there as well. If requested, I will crosspost review on Amazon/Barnes and Noble. If I get an early access title from NetGalley or Edelweiss, I always cross-post full review to the site when I post.


Coming soon. :)

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