About The Bookaholic

As of January 2015 

Who is "The Bookaholic"? Good question.

The Bookaholic has been up for four years, ran mostly by Pixie, until January of 2014 when getting a co-blogger. Then it became Pixie and Taylor! A year later, in January of 2015, Pixie expanded her blogging, regaining her passion, going over to Great Imaginations. You can find more of her reviews there, as well as Goodreads, some guest posts at various places on the web, and more.

Pixie is an indie author and book geek. Writing and reading are her passions, and have been since childhood. She loves collecting books, talking books, and book shopping. And can safely say that a lot of current "debt" is attributed to books. Haha. It's an addiction that she's proud of. :) Sadly, she don't have many local friends that are into the book scene, so she's a bit of a loner at times. That's why blogging has become such a passion for her. She loves sharing her thoughts, views, and other ideas of all kinds of literature with so many others! She also had no idea when she started this blog how many "bookaholics" there were already. O.o Four years later, she'd be happy to share any tips with potential new bloggers who are thinking about starting their own (always research!). She is truly thankful for the really wonderful friends she's made along the way.

Outside of writing and reading Pixie also loves: history, tennis, rock and country music/concerts, tattoos, Johnny Depp, Supernatural (Sam and Dean!), western boots and ballet flats, spunky clothes, movies, band tees, all things purple, and Skittles. Also has an obsession with X-Men.  Told you... dork alert.

After a hiatus, Taylor is happy to be blogging again for The Bookaholic. She's been blogging off and on for close to three years and enjoys various styles of YA as well. Taylor and Pixie have known each other for close to six years, and knew this pairing would be a perfect fit for the blog. For those of you that don't know Taylor, she is a coffee addict, faerie obsessed, bookworm and a constant dreamer. She has a love for photography, graphic design, owls, history, tattoos, shoes, and nail polish. Her favorite colors are Green, Blue, and Purple. She's also  deathly afraid of spiders and clowns (also Pixie's fears), and just recently have come to find that she's got pretty darn good aim when it comes to shooting, the credit for that goes to her good old Southern roots ;) Taylor has a crazy busy schedule due to two jobs, but tries to get around to the blog when she can. Now that Pixie has moved forward to new ventures, The Bookaholic may be quiet at times, but don't count it out completely. Taylor will be around and Pixie has told her that she will stop by and help guest post at times. Pixie has handed the reigns over to her. 

The theme behind The Bookaholic here isn't really set. Posts tend to be a lot around YA because that's what is generally read more of. But there are occasions when an adult, the classics, a horror, or even a memoir is read and will post a review on one of those. The category and genre will be placed at the top of each review. There are also discussions, features, giveaways, tours...

And now you know a bit more about the blog you are visiting! :)
Any questions? Don't hesitate to ask!

Places you can find one of us on the web:

Pixie on Twitter: @addiction2books
Taylor on Twitter: @ADreamer4Life

Pixie at Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/PixieLynnWhitfield (and now at BookLikes! http://pixielynnbooks.booklikes.com )

Facebook page for The Bookaholic and Pixie writing: www.facebook.com/addiction2books

Pixie now at Great Imaginations

All books reviewed on this blog are purchased by me unless stated otherwise. We do accept free books in return for reviews and promotions, and win books through giveaways as well as swap books with other readers on occasion, but we do not accept nor receive any kind of compensation for reviewing any book. We do also participate in affiliate programs that may bring in a small income through "clicks" from this site, but it doesn't affect views--and any income brought in from these affiliate programs goes back into things related to blogging, books, and reading (i.e. giveaway products, shipping, conventions, ordering books for us or gifts for others, etc.).

Everything posted always remains honest and completely based on our own personal opinions.

Thank you for visiting! Please follow and come back to visit anytime! :) **The Bookaholic remains an award-free site. We unfortunately do not have the time to participate in the award memes, but greatly appreciate all the thoughts and mentions nonetheless!**
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