Before I get started with this post, let me first say that it’s been a rocky year here at The Bookaholic. I know that. It was one of the most horrid reading years I’d had in a long time also--only tapping out at 26 books for my total. My schedule couldn’t quite help it, but it still made me feel awful at times, and I ended up some pretty bad slumps whenever I did actually have time for reading.
The good news is that the new year is bringing me a lot of changes along with a lot more different reading opportunities. I see myself even making some huge goals for the coming year, and I’m super excited to be sharing some news sometime in the coming weeks. You may notice a different pattern to the blogging, too.
I don’t want to list all the books I’m planning to get to this year-- but for the next five to six weeks I’ve already scheduled enough to keep me going:
Heir of Fire
Gone Girl
A Court of Thorns and Roses
The Fiery Heart
Salt & Storm
Messenger of Fear
I’ll Give You The Sun
Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke
My total goal for 2015 is to read 175. This includes a month-long re-reading challenge I’ve constructed for myself (I love going back to visit old favorites!) that I haven’t quite set in stone on exact books, but would love to re-read the HP series, Winter girls (Laurie Halse Anderson), and The Historian (Elizabeth Kostova). My goal also includes another reading challenge called Flights of Fantasy ( because I want to read more fantasy books this year--and I love fantasy--and Brandon Sanderson--so I’m going for it. I’m setting myself to read at least 15 for that challenge. Hey… those books are super long most of the time, so I’m going to set that bar kind of low for now. Haha..
I hope your year has started off good already! I look forward to all of the excitement and good luck with the reading everyone!
Happy to have you back! <3